Even if your business doesn’t have a receptionist (or a team of virtual assistants), taking phone calls remains a fundamental part of your business. When you take a call with a client, for whatever[...]
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With team messaging programs like Slack becoming more and more popular, it’s not surprising that people having been questioning whether email in the workplace can – or should - endure.
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They aren’t always mutually exclusive of course, but at some point, usually in adolescence, we discover that there is a chasm between those things we want to do and those things we must do. This[...]
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Nike, Samsung, Coca Cola – do you think if they miss or screw up a phone call their business will take a hit? Of course not (unless it’s really serious, in which case they can afford PR wizards). But[...]
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You have a great idea. You think your startup would really catch on. You’re inspired. Unfortunately, you’re also working a full-time job that you can’t afford to quit. You’re not alone. Most[...]
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Good copy is a vital part of your website’s ability to attract customers and rank well with Google, but even the most engaging copy needs to be refreshed once in a while if it’s to continue[...]
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As a business, being on social media is a prerequisite for building your brand and following. You’ll set up a Twitter account and diligently tweet things that your audience might find valuable.[...]
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If you’ve completed all your business planning, now is the time to move to the third phase of entrepreneurship – start-up. This is the stage where you ‘press play’, and begin trading.
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Deterring the Lunchtime Thief... We’ve all been there, a little trip to the fridge - looking forward to your strawberry yoghurt for your mid-morning snack only to find it’s vanished. Poof. Gone.
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Productivity is a quality that is often paired with success. When you think of a successful day, it’s often one where you’ve been productive – you’ve achieved a number of objectives and you’ve[...]
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