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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Charlotte Menhennet

Charlotte Menhennet

Charlotte began her Answer4u career back in 2011 and quickly gained a reputation for her commitment to deliver unparalleled levels of customer service. After developing a keen interest in sales she transitioned into her current role as Sales Manager in 2016 and continues to draw upon her experience and extensive product knowledge to offer a proactive style to the benefit of all new clients.

How to Build Rapport Over the Phone

Even if your business doesn’t have a receptionist (or a team of virtual assistants), taking phone calls remains a fundamental part of your business. When you take a call with a client, for whatever[...]
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Improve Your Workplace Email Etiquette

With team messaging programs like Slack becoming more and more popular, it’s not surprising that people having been questioning whether email in the workplace can – or should - endure.
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Procrastination: Be a Doer, Not a Delayer

They aren’t always mutually exclusive of course, but at some point, usually in adolescence, we discover that there is a chasm between those things we want to do and those things we must do. This[...]
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3 Business Catastrophes That WILL Happen with Poor Phone Call Handling

Nike, Samsung, Coca Cola – do you think if they miss or screw up a phone call their business will take a hit? Of course not (unless it’s really serious, in which case they can afford PR wizards). But[...]
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How Do Full-Time Workers Effectively Kick-Start Their Startups?

You have a great idea. You think your startup would really catch on. You’re inspired. Unfortunately, you’re also working a full-time job that you can’t afford to quit. You’re not alone. Most[...]
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5 Signs Your Fantastic Web Copy Has Gone Stale

Good copy is a vital part of your website’s ability to attract customers and rank well with Google, but even the most engaging copy needs to be refreshed once in a while if it’s to continue[...]
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Facebook for Business: A New World that Marketers Need to Inhabit

As a business, being on social media is a prerequisite for building your brand and following. You’ll set up a Twitter account and diligently tweet things that your audience might find valuable.[...]
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Phase Three of Entrepreneurship – Startup

If you’ve completed all your business planning, now is the time to move to the third phase of entrepreneurship – start-up. This is the stage where you ‘press play’, and begin trading.
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How to Deter the Office Food Thief

Deterring the Lunchtime Thief... We’ve all been there, a little trip to the fridge - looking forward to your strawberry yoghurt for your mid-morning snack only to find it’s vanished. Poof. Gone.
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3 Vital Life Hacks to Becoming More Productive

Productivity is a quality that is often paired with success. When you think of a successful day, it’s often one where you’ve been productive – you’ve achieved a number of objectives and you’ve[...]
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