Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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Darren McCowan

Darren McCowan

Darren is a renowned digital marketing strategist and social media influencer with over 20 years’ experience of developing the marketing strategies for established UK brands. Through expert industry insights, his motivation is to help businesses of all sizes keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques and technologies that will help them thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Is Your Industry Responding Poorly to Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is important. Who hasn’t heard that before? Well, it is, but let’s keep in mind that a predicted 61% of small businesses don’t see any return on their social media activities.
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You Can Use Negative Reviews to Boost Your Business

An estimated 88% of consumers place as much stock in online reviews as they do in personal recommendations. It’s no surprise that a negative one can produce a sinking feeling, but the best businesses[...]
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Likes and Shares: How to Build a Facebook Following Fast

Now is the time to boost your Facebook following. It’s a platform which has been somewhat eclipsed by Twitter in terms of social media standing, especially when it comes to small or medium sized[...]
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