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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

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Mark Menhennet

Mark Menhennet

Mark Menhennet, co-founder of Answer4u has over 25 years’ experience in the Client Contact Centre industry and provides an energetic hands-on approach that his team can always rely on. Always available for advice when needed, Mark’s inspiring principles to provide the very best in Customer Service have formed the basis of Answer4u’s business ethos for over 15 years.

10 Commercial Property and Office Space Ideas for Startup Business

So how do you go about finding the right space for your growing business? Here are a few office space ideas and pointers on the things you need to take into account. Taking your first step into[...]
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Business Growth May Sound Simple – But It Means a Step Change

Growth in business can either revolve around increasing the amount of whatever you’re already doing, or it can be focused on adding new elements to your portfolio. However, whichever way you choose[...]
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Buying a Business Property – Is It Right for You?

You’ve taken the plunge and launched your own business. You’ve got the IT and infrastructure all set up, you’re taking people on and building up your reputation and the contracts are flying[...]
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Crisis Management – Plan for a Crisis to Avert a Disaster

The word ‘crisis’ may automatically bring with it a certain sense of dread, but with the right amount of planning for the unexpected, companies can face down crisis situations (even if only through a[...]
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It’s ‘Full Steam Ahead’ as You Look to Renew and Expand Your Business

Once you’ve successfully made it through phases four and five of entrepreneurship (operating and monitoring, then resolving problems and challenges), it’s time to take a deep breath and enter phase[...]
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Planning to Succeed with Your New Business Venture

After completing phase one of the entrepreneurial process (investigation and research) and deciding you want to move ahead with your idea, you now need to move into the crucial second phase –[...]
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5 Crucial Habits of a Successful Business Owner

Everybody has everyday habits, some good and some bad. As a business owner you need to streamline and optimise those habits to become a success. Here are five you need to embrace to keep you on top[...]
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