When you go out, what are the crucial possessions you can’t leave without? Keys, check; wallet/purse, check; phone…phone? Where’s my phone?!
It’s incredibly likely that your smartphone is one of the possessions that’s secure on your person throughout the day. If it isn’t, well then congratulations – you’re an anomaly.
Since mobile devices became mainstream, their popularity has skyrocketed to the point that there are more devices than people in the world. As devices become smarter and more capable of dealing with media, the more connected we become with each and the online world.
So for marketers, this presents an unprecedented opportunity. Outside of the home, where would you normally reach potential customers? Billboards? Adverts on the sides of buses? Pigeons with coupons tied to their legs?
Why not go directly to the individual, regardless of what bus route they pass or the area of the city they’re in?
Mobile marketing is an integral part of the digital age and you’ve got to be involved. Here are the three key areas of mobile marketing that you must have developed.
Mobile-friendly websites
Because of the reduced screen size on a mobile device, as well as the ubiquitous touchscreen function, websites must adapt from ordinary desktop interfaces. A mobile-friendly website is a page that identifies the inquiry source (whether it be a desktop, tablet or smartphone) and adjusts its proportions, layout and navigation accordingly.
A website that is not optimised for mobile users will be tiresome to experience – requiring users to scrolls around swathes of white space that is designed solely for computer monitors and a mouse cursor. One particular study found that 54% of millennials would be deterred from using a business’s products if they had a poor mobile experience with them.
By ensuring your site is mobile friendly, the services you offer can be presented in a way that doesn’t alienate certain users trying to find out more.
App Opportunities
If there’s one thing that kick-started the smartphone revolution, it was the availability of apps to everyday users. The versatility of mobile apps allows businesses to offer an array of services to their customers, from a platform to buy products directly, to tools that their audience profile will value. The latter of these is an example of powerful inbound marketing.
As a marketer, you’ll have a detailed knowledge of your audience’s needs. Creating an app that fulfils one of these needs – be it a tool or a source of information – is a fantastic way to cultivate brand loyalty with them. People utilise apps now in a way that is integral to their lifestyle (there are fitness apps that count calories and check your heartrate, apps to organise your schedule, the list goes on) and entering that personal domain is immensely valuable.
Online ads are tricky and mobile ads are no exception. There’s a strong undercurrent of distrust towards advertising online thanks to the brilliantly awful tactic of unremitting pop-ups and numerous imitations of “Download now” buttons on download pages.
There is always the intelligent option, however. Mobile ads can be supported by user data to the point that they’re not only relevant but timely too. And they don’t need to be intrusive, either. Native advertising on platforms like Instagram enables ads to resemble ordinary content (though explicitly identifying itself as an ad) and will appear on an individual’s feed who has shared data that implies they might be interested.
Because of the diminutive screen size of mobile devices, as well as the general trend of condensed, consumable content that mobile thrives on exporting, ads need to be concise. Instant gratification is a growing trend online – people want fast, unabridged results – so mobile advertising can’t beat around the bush.
Mobile use is growing rapidly – it’s now used more than desktops to browse the internet. With its popularity growing, marketers now have a new, evolving resource to reach their audience. Don’t get left behind!
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