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Split-Testing: Changes That Can Impact Conversion Rate

Online landing pages have one singular purpose: to bring in more business. Learn how small adjustments and optimisations can improve your conversion rates.

As a company – whether you’re an SME or a large enterprise – your online landing and service pages have one singular purpose: to bring in more business. Yet even with slick copy, elegant visuals and a great layout, you can’t guarantee you’re converting as well as you could be. The human mind is a strange thing, and its often small adjustments that can tip your conversion rate over the brow of the hill.

Because of this, a great way to optimise your landing and service pages is to split test. By alternating a certain element of your page and measuring your audience’s response, you can determine which is more successful – the original version or the alternative. Doing this over a range of elements on-site will allow you to refine your page until it’s optimised and converting as highly as possible.

So, which elements are worth changing?

Your Call To Action

Call To Action

Your call to action is your final rallying cry to get your lead to convert. It’s the feature on your webpage that you’re desperate to be interacted with, so choosing the right copy can be tough, and often the slightest adjustments to how you present what your lead is getting can have marked improvements.

Simple tweaks, even if it’s a single word, can alter a lead’s perception and the method of how they’re getting it.

Here is a great example demonstrating this and other topics discussed in this article

Your Call To Action Button

The effectiveness of your CTA text is hinged inextricably with how effective the button containing it is. Everything from colour to shape affects how convincing your button is, so split testing it is important.

Call To Action Buttons - Choose Your Colours Carefully

Always consider a button colour that contrast with the existing colours on the page to ensure your CTA stick out. The last thing you want is for your leads to miss it.

At the same time, research the connotations your colour choices have. Remember, cultures view colours differently, so be sure to take that into account.

If you’re confident in the colour, shape and text of your CTA button, try adjusting the size and placement of it.


Your headline is likely the first thing people read, so it needs to inform leads of exactly what you’re offering, and why they should take it. Chances are, there’s a few ways you could say this.

Often, the adjectives you use give a distinct impression of what your product or service is, so rotating and split testing these words is a good place to start.

Further, experimenting with nouns can also have a dramatic effect. In this example, the inclusion of the word ‘supplement’ increased sales by 90%. So consider the buzzwords that people are drawn to and make sure they’re visible.

Capture Form

The capture form is, I suppose, the work that your lead must complete. The more empty white bars they see, the more voracious you appear towards their data. Obviously the data you capture (e.g. email address, phone number) is valuable, so presenting it in a different format might yield better results.

Data Capture Form Example

For example, displaying your form as a narrative humanise the transaction of data your lead is about to embark on, increasing trust and therefore willingness. Additionally, playing around with the length of the form – do you need their surname? Must they put their company website? – can also have a big impact.

Split testing allows you to experiment. If you’re not split testing then you’re missing out on crucial information and your web pages will suffer. I recommend split testing each element separately first so you’re able to identify the successful variations easily.

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