Trust is undeniably one of the most important aspects of any business. Without client trust, your sales and bottom line will suffer.One of the best ways to develop trust and customer loyalty is by[...]
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In modern businesses, where success depends on efficient, uninterrupted communications, a phone line outage can cause major problems. With phones out of action, customers cannot place orders or[...]
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Networks are the vital arteries of today’s business, but they come with a range of vulnerabilities. As increasing numbers of businesses enter the digital era, awareness about potential problems -[...]
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Phone-based customer service is the lifeblood of many businesses, providing responsive support for their own clientele and, in some circumstances, providing an outsourced service for third parties.[...]
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The word ‘crisis’ may automatically bring with it a certain sense of dread, but with the right amount of planning for the unexpected, companies can face down crisis situations (even if only through a[...]
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