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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Creating Killer Content to Drive New Leads to Your Site

One of the primary goals of any business in the digital age is to drive traffic to their website. After all, nestled within that traffic is a population of future customers. But with the sheer[...]
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3 Simple Ways Your Business Can Engage with Customers Better Online

You’re a business, you have a certain image and professionalism to maintain. That’s fine - in fact, that’s necessary, but if you stay too straight-laced, too tight-lipped, you’re apt to find you’re[...]
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Rank Higher and Get Visited by Putting Your Business on YouTube

YouTube boasts over a billion users, or one third of all web users, with 3 billion searches made each month and 100 hours of video uploaded every minute. It’s also the world’s second most popular[...]
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Facebook for Business: A New World that Marketers Need to Inhabit

As a business, being on social media is a prerequisite for building your brand and following. You’ll set up a Twitter account and diligently tweet things that your audience might find valuable.[...]
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How Much are Missed Telephone Calls Costing your Business?

The first impression you give to your customers is the one that lasts the longest. If a customer can’t reach your company over the phone, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle in that sales[...]
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