Mastering how to answer the phone professionally is a vital skill for anyone striving to deliver exceptional customer service. While the phone remains a cornerstone of business communication, many[...]
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When your staff are engaged with other customers or your business is closed for the day, understanding that a voicemail prompt could be your business's first impression on a caller is crucial.[...]
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As a representative of your business, when you answer the telephone, evaluating the nature of the call and the characteristics of the caller you're dealing with can typically be assessed within the[...]
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Receptionists are often the first point of contact for a business, making their role crucial in creating a positive first impression. In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing incoming[...]
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What makes people do things on the phone that they would never do in front of someone in real life? From yawning loudly to sounding bored, these practices and others add up to seriously poor phone[...]
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The phone is such a popular form of communication that it’s all too easy to take it for granted. After all, around 95% of households in the UK now own a mobile phone! While landline phone ownership[...]
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If you were asked to make a list of the risks which affect businesses, it’s probably safe to say that phone calls wouldn’t be anywhere on it. How could taking phone calls at work possibly be a bad[...]
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Even if your business doesn’t have a receptionist (or a team of virtual assistants), taking phone calls remains a fundamental part of your business. When you take a call with a client, for whatever[...]
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Authority is central to success; people need to perceive you as a credible influencer and expert source of information if they are to trust your judgement, rely upon your services, and ultimately[...]
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