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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Startup Marketing Strategy - Promoting Your Startup on a Budget

So, how should you go about promoting yourself with a limited budget? Here are four approaches to get your brand out there without emptying the bank.You’ve got an amazing product or service, so[...]
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There’s More to Growing a Business Than an Increase in Turnover

As your business grows, your turnover should increase, but so too will the elements needed to produce that increase, for example, the right staffing, premises, production equipment and investment[...]
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How Our Virtual Assistant Service Can Revolutionise Your Business

When it comes to maintaining your corporate image, we at Answer4u know how tough it can be to find a solution that will suit your business. Our main aim is to become a seamless extension of your[...]
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It’s ‘Full Steam Ahead’ as You Look to Renew and Expand Your Business

Once you’ve successfully made it through phases four and five of entrepreneurship (operating and monitoring, then resolving problems and challenges), it’s time to take a deep breath and enter phase[...]
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Facing up to Your Business Challenges

When working through phase four of entrepreneurship – operating and monitoring – you will no doubt have come across at least one issue you needed to deal with. Phase five is all about resolving[...]
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Why Your Business Should Be a ‘Mastermind’ Chosen Specialist Subject

Once you’ve successfully launched your business, you can enter phase four of the entrepreneurial process – operating and monitoring. During the start-up phase you should have identified and[...]
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Phase Three of Entrepreneurship – Startup

If you’ve completed all your business planning, now is the time to move to the third phase of entrepreneurship – start-up. This is the stage where you ‘press play’, and begin trading.
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Planning to Succeed with Your New Business Venture

After completing phase one of the entrepreneurial process (investigation and research) and deciding you want to move ahead with your idea, you now need to move into the crucial second phase –[...]
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Taking Your First Steps on the Entrepreneurial Stage

The seven stages of entrepreneurship are a bit like Shakespeare’s celebrated ‘Seven Ages of Man’ from the play As You Like It – but in a world where you get to select the exit strategy of your choice.
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