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Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

Supporting Lockdown Critical Services With 24/7 Call Answering Services

It's been a strange week for the team here at Answer4u. Most days we deal with a variety of industry calls, with no clear common denominator, but since the Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent[...]
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The Best Time Management Apps to Help Keep You on Schedule

Struggling to keep on top of all your tasks? Trying to strike the perfect balance between work and home whilst having a social life too?You are not alone. According to a survey carried out by One[...]
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9 Time Management Techniques You Should Practice in the Workplace

We all seem to have our quirks around time management – whether we’re always 30 minutes early for fear of being late or are always late because we underestimate how long things will take, whether we [...]
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Is Poor Time Management Preventing Business Growth?

Most people assume that the pesky issue of time management is ironed-out at school, and thereafter in our adult lives managing our time is a small if not completely obsolete problem. In reality of[...]
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